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Blended Massage

Classic massage techniques such as Swedish, deep tissue, CranioSacral Therapy, reflexology are blended to help alleviate muscle tension and other body discomfort.


Couples Massage

Each person has their own therapist. This can be arranged side by side (in the same room) or in separate rooms.


CranioSacral Therapy

40-60 min CST session.


In Home Blended Massage

Experience classic massage techniques of Swedish, deep tissue and CST are blended to alleviate muscle tension and other body discomfort while in the privacy of your own home. (Includes travel within 15 minutes of home office at 13 & Woodward. Please contact me for cost of additional travel.)


Raindrop Massage

Raindrop Technique® combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage in the application of essential oils to various areas of the body. This collection provides a revolutionary means of bringing balance and harmony physically, mentally, and emotionally. This 75 minute treatment includes a full body massage AND application of oils strategically placed and massaged into the skin for a relaxing yet therapeutic experience.



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Delayed delivery gift certificates are sent on the morning of the selected day.

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